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We have a total of 4 Astronomy Tutors registered. Our Tutors can teach in-person or online through our interactive whiteboard. You can book online Astronomy Tutors through our lesson scheduling system.
4 Astronomy Tutors
Astronomy (Degree, Class IX-X, Diploma, Class VI-VIII, Adult Learner and Class XI-XII)
₹375 - ₹750
/ hr
I have my passion for physics and I can teach students not to memorize but how to learn and apply the science as a matter of factual concept.
Astronomy, Basic Skills, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Economics, English, General Science, General... (Class VI-VIII, Class XI-XII, Class I-V and Class IX-X)
₹375 - ₹500
/ hr
Hey. I am currently a student in PSG TECH Coimbatore. I am interested and pretty good in teaching so I am taking up this job. I have a wide variety of knowledge in sub...
Kunnam, Tamil Nadu
"I certainly recommend Tutor Hunt. The Service is very professional, and efficient..."
Lashae 2016/02/13